In october I started googling lots of different options and when I saw the idea for decorated sugar cubes I was hooked! I made eight dishes of homemade sugar cubes for all the women in the office and they turned out amazing!

Until it becomes boring!

Ok, have you read the books! Seen the movie! SO GOOD! I loved the books so much more, but the movie was really fun to see how a team of people interpreted the book into a movie!
The last time I had an obsession this bad, it was johnny depp in pirates! And that was a bad obsession, let me tell you!
Brian can just roll his eyes for now! BC I LOVE IT!!!
Happy Holidays and Happy Baking to you all!
You can imagine how it turned out. Bitter and nasty! So I added two more cups of sugar, and let it refridgerate overnight, bc some of the sugar is supposed to sink in. The next morning I swear it had gotten more sour! So I added the last of my sugar, four whopping cups! Definately not the cranberry sauce for diabetics!
But I guess it was ok because i got no complaints, and a couple complements. Next year I think I will opt to bring rolls or something!