Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Courty!

Happy Birthday to the best sister ever!  Here are a few things about you that make me smile :)

Court. I love how predictable you are.  I always know if you are out to dinner you are definately eating salmon and broccoli.  I love how if it is a sunny day I can guarantee you went to pet the horses or feed the ducks.  I always know if it is a week night you are singing your little heart out playing guitar in the basement, and how I know every time I see you, I will end up laughing my pants off.  

Court. I love how happy and entertained you are by the simple things in life.  I know if I ask about your day I will hear about an adorable animal, someone who smiled at you, something funny that happened, or how beautiful something in nature is.  I love that about you.  I love how your whole week can be made by something that seems so insignificant to most.  You truly rejoice in the simple things and that is such a blessing to know what happiness really is and to appreciate the tiny things. 

Court. I love how you always want to spend time with us.  I love having a family that is super close and one that makes time for each other.  I love how you never care what it is we do, just that you want to be with us.  Thanks for spending the day with me cleaning out my crawlspace, screaming over spiders, and laughing over "crawl space cabin fever."  I never thought that task would turn out to be so much fun but I should have known with you there it would be :) 

I am so lucky to be your sister.  I love sharing everything with you, including our May birthdays.  Thanks for being the ray of sunshine in my life.  I hope this is your best year yet! :) Love you Schvest!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to your country and it is related to my country too so seens that you love yours country very much and why don't you try the Purple High Heel Sandals and the pretty Platform thick heel shoes with yo uand just enjoy them please!

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