Thursday, January 15, 2009

The 3 New Years Tag from Breckann. . . I told you I would do it Breck!

Okay, so tags are usually such a waste of time for me. I can guarantee no one cares what my favorite flavor of ice cream is or my favorite number. Useless information right? But this is actually a pretty good one. It has made me reflect on my life and where I currently stand. So don't read this post unless you want to know about the fabulous life of yours truly. . .

Ahem. . . question numero uno!

3 things on your to do list this year!

1. Publish my stupid book already! Who knew writing and publishing would really take 3 long arduous years!
2. Land my dream job and start my MBA. I think this will be my toughest feat yet! Stay tuned.
3. Be in the best shape of my life! Also a pretty tough one. But so far so good! I wish chocolate had legs so that it would just run away from me every time I reached for it! Actually, thats kind of creepy, nevermind.

3 things you would do if you suddenly became a billionaire!

1. Build my dream home. . with a million bedrooms. I have realized living away from home that my greatest joy is in the people that I love. I would love to have a place for everyone to stay and I bet they would all come visit if they had a place to stay.
2. Set up a non-profit organization, restart my clothing line, do charity work, become a multi-entrepeneur. You know? Do all the things you never had money or time for.
3. Take everyone I know on a vacation. I think everyone deserves a day to lay on the beach with no cares and sunshine. Oh and a server that delivers non stop pina coladas! Keep em comin rico!

3 of your bad habits

1. Shopping. nuff said.
2. Dancing around the house. This is bad because it is paired with clumsiness and lets just say I have sustained more than one injury because of it.
3. Voicing my opinion. I was raised to speak my mind, and everytime I see an injustice I speak to it. Maybe this year silence will be a virtue. Or if not silence, careful selection.

3 of your good habits

1. Drinking water. I love drinking water!
2. Talking to myself in the mirror. Nothing like a good pep talk from the person that knows you best!
3. Dreaming of my successes in the future. For some reason I have always been a dreamer.

3 things people don't know about me.

1. I am much softer inside than I appear to be. Sometimes a hard exterior seems like a smart way to not get hurt. But I don't think it is worth it.
2. I would choose to be hurt, rather than hurt someone I love.
3. My greatest joys are simple silly things.

3 impulsive things you recently did

1. Buy a dog.
2. Dye my hair back blonde.
3. Remodel my bathroom and master bedroom.

3 people pet peeves

1. cocky people. It just takes one hard fall on your face to realize how stupid it is to think your above everyone else.
2. People who think they are entitled to something in life. No. . . you don't deserve something for doing nothing. Its pretty funny to think that someone really thinks this way.
3. Carelessness. You are not the only one living on this planet so don't act like it!

You can tell that I can get pretty worked up on these! ooops!

3 people admirations

1. People who serve others just because it is the right thing to do. I love seeing this first hand.
2. People who don't drive 50 in the fast lane. I love you!
3. That each person is beautiful in their own way. I really do believe in this and I love people who treat others this way too.

3 people you admire

1. Anyone who has done better with their life with the situations they were dealt.
2. Anyone who is a good mom. You can see the results of good moms and boy is it important!
3. Anyone with a disability.

3 happiest memories

1. Walking into the temple the morning of my wedding.
2. Dixie. I love St. George and Dixie was freaking awesome!
3. Anytime I have ever been at bear lake with my cousins.

Where were you 3 years ago?

Kind of sad and confused about my life. 2006 was a really tough year for me and one where I had to make some really tough life decisions. The good news is I made the right choices that have led me to the wonderful life I lead now. I would never choose to relive those times but going through them was a blessing in disguise.

Where will you be in 3 years?

A mama! Not sure exactly. I hope to have children in three years, finished with school. Living in Utah still with my lover! And happy. That is really my only wish for the future. Happiness!

Who are you going to tag with this!?!

I would actually really like to hear what anyone would say to these questions.

I tag everyone!



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