Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Fruits of Our Labors. . .

. . . Well, more like the Vegetables of our labors!

I am really excited PEOPLE!!!! Here's why!

Growing up my parents had a garden and I would help pick and eat the stuff, but now that I am officially a grown up, I have my OWN garden, my OWN veggies, and I am THRILLED!!!!

With the help of Bri's dad Merril, we successfully planted Basil, Cilantro, Chives, Roma tomatoes, Cherry tomatoes, Zuccini, Squash, Butternut Squash, Cucumbers, Jalepinos, Bell Peppers, Beans, Parsley, and Sweet Vine Tomatoes.

I picked some stuff last night and as you can see we have way more than we can eat! If any of you are hungry and are craving garden vegetables we will feed you!

It's funny what makes you happy as an adult!

Love and Veggie Tales!



D. André Dhondt said...

Congrats on the garden - make lots of zucchini cake - it freezes very well and there is nothing more yummy! I'll give you my recipe if you want. Glad to see you are doing well!

Susan said...

That's awesome!!! I've been wanting to get into gardening again! Your garden looks great!

Mel and Paul said...

Nice work Linny!! That's awesome that you did that!!

Dowland Fam said...

Wahoo! Gardens are the best! There is something so satisfying about pulling those often mishapen veggies and eatin' them!

Anonymous said...

I love that you are so excited about your garden! My garden only gave me one sad little tomato & 1 squash. I'll have to work on getting my soil to be more peppy so I can get great stuff like you did!

Unknown said...


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